I am usually a very neat and organised person. For example my desk at work has each of the subjects I teach in colour coded folders, with all the spines lined up and I always write my teaching programs using the same font and style. Some say I may be 'anal' but I like to write in my day book in a certain type of pen and am a highly routine person. So it is rather embrassing to show my creative space at the moment. My desk and sewing area is a mess !!! I blame the fact that I have literally about 10 projects on the go at the moments, and that I am littled for time so I tend to 'push' things to the side and not put things away. I am hoping posting about my mess will force me to clean it up.... a bit like a 'before' and 'after' shot !

My baskets on the shelves hold everything, so really it it a matter of putting things away as I go. Lucky you can't actually see under the desk as that is a complete other story !! I am currently sewing /working on :
1. An apron for Olivia's birthday
2. An apron for Rosie's dedication
3. A gathered clutch
4. A hobby horse for Isabella
5. Pot holders, plastic bag dispenser for the urban home goods swap
6. Presents for my niece Gabi - birthday in October
Plus my month is coming up in September for the 'Bee seam piecing down under' bee.... and then I would like to make myself a plastic bag dispenser and oven mitts with some cute fabric I found.
My only wish is that the cleaning fairies will come and make my creative space neat and organised again and then they can grant me some more time in my day to actually get some of my projects done !!!