Sunday, October 30, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Sweet summer dress
I am still determined to make my babies some special things on a weekly basis and not spend all my limited sewing time making things for other. So........ in between my brothers wedding in melbourne ( which I still have not posted about ) and a funeral in Port Macquarie we have been all over the state recently !!!
Today Miss Isabella had this cute summer dress made for her :

I just love this fabric... it was only one I picked up from spotlight !
Today Miss Isabella had this cute summer dress made for her :

I just love this fabric... it was only one I picked up from spotlight !
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Skipping girls
Have you started your christmas shopping yet ? Someone mentioned yesterday it was only 10 weeks away .... aagh !!
I have been busy making some more skipping girls and have recently started a facebook page where you can purchase my bunting flags, skipping ropes and hair ties and hair clips. Check it out here

They are perfect for every little girl and are a great way to fill up that Christmas stocking !
I have been busy making some more skipping girls and have recently started a facebook page where you can purchase my bunting flags, skipping ropes and hair ties and hair clips. Check it out here

They are perfect for every little girl and are a great way to fill up that Christmas stocking !
Friday, October 14, 2011
Pillow talk swap - Recieved
How lucky am I ?? I had this super special parcel in my mailbox today and I couldn't wait to open it ! Anticpation........ what could it be, I thought it may of been my pillow from the pillow talk swap but didn't want to get my hopes up !

Beautifully wrapted with a special card, gorgeous ribbon/trim and some little charm squares... It was my pillow !!
How cute is it.... so my style and tastes ! And look at those sherbet pip fabrics !! It was from the lovely Leila of 'Where orchids grow' ( go check out her blog ) ....and she didn't have to do much stalking to know my style and tastes as she had me in a previous swap ( MMM).

Beautifully wrapted with a special card, gorgeous ribbon/trim and some little charm squares... It was my pillow !!

Thanks so much Leila... I think I will save this one for Kiah's room - so pretty and girly ! I love it XXXX
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Shoes for Kiah
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Scrap swap
It's still a little crazy around here at the moment !! We have just got back from my brother's wedding in melbourne ( another post about that later ) and I have soooooo much on my plate at the moment that sometimes I don't know what to finish first ! I have orders for buntings coming out my ears, bee blocks to make and send, kiah's christmas stocking to start, christmas gifts to make..... and on top off all this I join another swap !
The lovely Kat is hosting a 'scrap swap' where you make something out of scraps for your partner, send some scraps a an item 'specific' to you local area. Sounds like fun doesn't it !!!
I requested a journal cover/ notebook cover and or a pouch. The inspiration I posted can be seen below and I hope it gives my partner some idea of what I like...

My partner is into bright colours and some fabrics I don't normally work with but thats o.k.....
So far I have made a mug rug :
Monday, October 3, 2011
Custom Orders
I have been busy doing some custom order buntings today. This one was for a local lady for her daughter :-

I love the subtle colours on the butterflies. It should look really pretty in her little girls room. I also had a spaceship/space themed request for a boys room. This one should also look pretty good in a boys room :-
I have just ordered fabric for another custom request, the customer wanted a 'my little pony' and a 'care bear' one made. I didn't even knew these icons were still around, I remember them from when I was young ! Plus I am on the hunt for a 'nautical' themed bunting for another customer in red, blue and white.... talk about busy !!! It's funny what a little self promotion on facebook can do !

I love the subtle colours on the butterflies. It should look really pretty in her little girls room. I also had a spaceship/space themed request for a boys room. This one should also look pretty good in a boys room :-

Sunday, October 2, 2011
Pillow talk swap
A new book
I'm a sucker for any new craft book. One of my favourite fabric designers - Tanya Whelan has just released this book : -
It looks like it has some lovely projects in it... Lucky christmas is just around the corner and at only $20 it is a bargain !! Now...... if I could just 'buy' some more free time to get everyything done! Does anyone know where I can get some from ?
I'm a sucker for any new craft book. One of my favourite fabric designers - Tanya Whelan has just released this book : -
Saturday, October 1, 2011
A little crazy !!!
We have had the most craziest fun filled week....we have had 16 adult friends visiting from all parts of the NSW and QLD state. Friends from Matt's university and living overseas days meet up once a year for a week of catch up and fun filled adventure. Usually the catch up only last 3 days, and it is held somewhere along the 'coast' but this year we played 'host' and it was held in Merimbula. With people travelling up to 17 hours to join in the festivities meant that the usual 3 days was not long enough so most stayed a week. As mentioned there were 16 adults but clearly outnumbered by the 22 kids !! So Isabella had a ball ! Our friends didn't stay with us but rather hired out units but we still played host in terms of a 'dinner' one night, and sightseeing with trips to our local attractions. Hence any sewing time has been non existent this week and I am really starting to get a little anxious about not being able to create something !
I did manage to make this little munchkin this afternoon...... I have nicknamed her 'Shirley'
I did manage to make this little munchkin this afternoon...... I have nicknamed her 'Shirley'
I am making a concentrated effort to make things for my girls, as I never seem to make them anything. So.... I think another sheep for Kiah is on the cards for tomorrow !
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Not 100%
We have had a very trying week and a half with everyone except for Kiah in the household getting sick !! Isabella started last sunday asking for a sleep at 9:30 in the morning and this is soooooooo not like her so I knew something was up ! By wednesday she was not eating or drinking and the doctor was testing for whooping cough ! Several sleepless nights and worrying days later she tested negative and has only just picked up slightly ! She is at least drinking again and nibbling at food ! However the 'germs' have spread and everyone has had it except for little Kiah.... she seems immune ( so far ) to this awful virus !
Little madam started solids this week - good old rice cereal and water..... so far she seems to like it but she is only getting a teaspoon at a time.

Little madam started solids this week - good old rice cereal and water..... so far she seems to like it but she is only getting a teaspoon at a time.

Monday, September 12, 2011
September Bee blocks
Bee blocks for this month have consisted of Kristy ( Handmade retro ). She asked for 4 vertical blocks ...
I am loving these bright boyish prints - robots, spaceships, buses etc. Is it because I don't have a little boy to sew for ???
Also bee blocks for Jules ( Relish Australia ). She requested wonky log cabinish blocks.

Also bee blocks for Jules ( Relish Australia ). She requested wonky log cabinish blocks.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Pillow talk swap
I have joined the pillow talk swap on over at flickr..... such talented and lovely pillows have been made in the past, I am up for the challenge !! This is what I created for my inspiration : -
- anything made in moda bliss
- anything made in moda ruby
- any style of pillow
- anything made in sew cherry by lori holt
-anything cute and kitchy with a touch of shabby chic or vintage.
does this help ???
Now off to stalk my partner !
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Matching quilts
Remember the dresden plate quilt in Moda 'Bliss' I was making for Isabella ..... well after the 12 blocks were down I added a scrappy border around the outside and it really 'finished' it off.
I sent it away to be professionally quilted ..... and it's back, just waiting for the handsewing of the binding to be done !

Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious !!!
Isabella LOVES the movie 'Mary Poppins' and if I let her she would watch it every day all day ! She knows and understands the story line, sings along with the songs and even tells me what is about to happen next in the movie before it happens. So while in Sydney recently we went along to the Capitol theatre to see the stage production. Matt was a little hesitant at her ability to sit through the performance due to her age and the cost of the tickets - they are not cheap !!!
However I am happy to report she LOVED it - she sat and did not move, sang and bopped along and even requested 'more mum' at intermission and when the show was over ! It was so lovely it brought tears to my eyes... she is growing up way to fast !

Outside the theatre with my mum - she was just excited to see the poster of Mary !
However I am happy to report she LOVED it - she sat and did not move, sang and bopped along and even requested 'more mum' at intermission and when the show was over ! It was so lovely it brought tears to my eyes... she is growing up way to fast !

Outside the theatre with my mum - she was just excited to see the poster of Mary !
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
MMM swap - recieved !
I have been away in Sydney doing several fun activities ( more on that in another post ) and arrived home happy, weary and a suitcase full of washing to be done - as always is the case after a mini holiday. It was just the 'girls' ( myself, Kiah and Isabella ) who went away and we had a lovely time catching up with family, finding new frocks to wear to my brothers wedding in October and of course a visit to spotlight!
I had several piles of mail to open on my return - the usual bills etc but I was super excited to see my package from my partner from the MMM swap had arrived. So as soon as the girls went to bed the suitase got left unpacked and I opened by goodies from Gina (Gmitt):-

- Gorgeously wrapped !!! Gina gave me some of the Riley Blake - 'Sugar and Spice' fabric range in pink and green.... I have great plans for this fabric already ! Some cute heart buttons and a needle threader in the cute little tins.
I had several piles of mail to open on my return - the usual bills etc but I was super excited to see my package from my partner from the MMM swap had arrived. So as soon as the girls went to bed the suitase got left unpacked and I opened by goodies from Gina (Gmitt):-

- Gorgeously wrapped !!! Gina gave me some of the Riley Blake - 'Sugar and Spice' fabric range in pink and green.... I have great plans for this fabric already ! Some cute heart buttons and a needle threader in the cute little tins.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Buntings galore !
Chances are if your child has a birthday, christening, or just a special occasion coming up that they may recieve a bunting from me as a gift !!! Why ??? You see I made a bunting for Isabella room's to match her quilt and my sister in law said I should sell them. Hmmmmm could I make a little bit of money by selling my crafty wares - obviously I only want enough to fund my next fabric purchase !!!!!!!!! So... I made my niece Gabi ( mother to my suggestive sister in law ) a 'Ballerina' bunting.
It's quite hard to get a good picture of a bunting. They are 3 metres long, feature 8 flags and are quite 'cute'. So then I made an alphabet inspired 'nursey' bunting for a girls room:
a boys jungle themed bunting:-
A friend of mine is taking them to her market stall to see how they go but I am faced with 2 dilema's:

It's quite hard to get a good picture of a bunting. They are 3 metres long, feature 8 flags and are quite 'cute'. So then I made an alphabet inspired 'nursey' bunting for a girls room:

A friend of mine is taking them to her market stall to see how they go but I am faced with 2 dilema's:
1. what to charge for them ??
2. If they don't sell I will be left with a lots of buntings that I will probably give away as gifts - which is fine... however most of my friends are not 'crafty' and would not aprreciate the time and effort gone into making such an item. In fact at times it would be far easier to just pop into the shops and pick something of the shelf !!! So... even though it's handmade, it is semi expected to still 'buy' something to go with a handmade gift as in their eyes 'technically' it has not cost much.... that is until you mention the price of fabric in australia !!!
Does anyone else experience this ?
what do you think is a reasonable mark up on handmade items ??
and finally... anyone want to buy a bunting ?? lol X
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
3 months old !
I can't believe that Kiah is 3 months old or 12 weeks this week ! I can't remember what life was like before her and can't imagine my life without her. She is a contented little cherub who just goes with the flow and is ever so placid ! She is quite content to sleep in her little pouch when out and about and will sleep in her cot during the day without to much difficulty. She has slept through the night a few times ( GOD BLESS ! ) but if she does wake for a feed she snuggles in, has a feed and goes straight back to sleep.
She loves her milk and has almost outgrown the 000 and is heading into the 00.
Her big blue eyes look at me with wonder, which is quickly followed by a huge smile !
She has started doing those gurgle type noise at me and really trying to communicate
At times a look at Kiah and am saddened as we had planned for her to be our last bubba, but as she is so easy I am wondering..... could we be a family of 5, could we possibly be blessed with 3 children ??? ............Lets just say at this stage it's up discussion !!

At times a look at Kiah and am saddened as we had planned for her to be our last bubba, but as she is so easy I am wondering..... could we be a family of 5, could we possibly be blessed with 3 children ??? ............Lets just say at this stage it's up discussion !!
I can't believe that Kiah is 3 months old or 12 weeks this week ! I can't remember what life was like before her and can't imagine my life without her. She is a contented little cherub who just goes with the flow and is ever so placid ! She is quite content to sleep in her little pouch and will sleep in her cot during the day without to much difficulty. She has slept through the night a few times ( GOD BLESS ! ) but if she does wake for a feed she snuggles in, has a feed and goes straight back to sleep.
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