I am finding the hardest part of returning to work full time is the limited time I have to myself. While my job is fun and enjoyable, by the time we get home do dinner, baths, clean up and get prepared for the next day there is not much time left in the evening for 'me'.
Luckily I have an arrangement on the weekend that kinda works with my husband : he plays golf in the morning and I play with Isabella and on saturday afternoon I get 'me' time and he plays with Isabella. Sunday is family day and we do things together.
Anyway this afternoon I made these blocks for Erin in the '
Bee seam piecing downunder' bee:
She sent everyone different coloured fabric depending on what there favourite colours were. I got a great range of my current favourite pink and aqua schemed fabrics. She requested that we make blocks in any theme that we like. This is what I did:

This block was originally going to be a modified bento block but I got interupted with a phone call and I knew I only had today to make her 2 blocks. So I had to improvise but I still really like it.

This block I made using the good old log cabin technique

Erin also requested that we embellish this white piece of fabric with 'something' and add our name and state on it. I am really into suffolk puffs at them moment. Hope she likes them !!