It's quite hard to get a good picture of a bunting. They are 3 metres long, feature 8 flags and are quite 'cute'. So then I made an alphabet inspired 'nursey' bunting for a girls room:

A friend of mine is taking them to her market stall to see how they go but I am faced with 2 dilema's:
1. what to charge for them ??
2. If they don't sell I will be left with a lots of buntings that I will probably give away as gifts - which is fine... however most of my friends are not 'crafty' and would not aprreciate the time and effort gone into making such an item. In fact at times it would be far easier to just pop into the shops and pick something of the shelf !!! So... even though it's handmade, it is semi expected to still 'buy' something to go with a handmade gift as in their eyes 'technically' it has not cost much.... that is until you mention the price of fabric in australia !!!
Does anyone else experience this ?
what do you think is a reasonable mark up on handmade items ??
and finally... anyone want to buy a bunting ?? lol X