I have been looking on the web for a 'hair clip holder' or 'hair clip hanger' and have found a lot of people cover a canvas and use ribbon to store and display their little girl clips. I don't have much room on Isabella's dressing table and a 'canvas' type board was going to be too large.
So..........I came up with this one. I can hang it up, I can see the clips, it's out of reach for little hands and it tidies everything up.

My pictures aren't great but I think you get the idea.

An early mother day present arrived in the mail yesterday. I have been interested in this book for a while and love working with Oliver & S patterns. I have earmarked a few things to make and will let you know what I think !

We all got the perfect idea to what these picture says. Any small girl would love to have such hangers in her room on which beautiful and colorful clips are being attached.
nice blog!!1