Madame is 4 weeks old now.... I can't believe how a whole month has flown by ! To date she is still very sleepy and her darkish eyes are starting to go a tinge of blue. Apart of eating and sleeping she is alert for a small part of the day and is very serious taking in the smells, sights and sounds of this big wide world.
Having been given so many beautiful gifts I thought we could do our first craft activity as mother and daughter and make our thank you cards. I had this lovely 'announcement' photo printed up :

and sent little hand written thank you notes on the back of tags using Kiah's foot print as a stamp !

Unfortunately the 'soft pink' foot print does not show up that well in the photo but looks rather cute and matches her announcement. Kiah was the perfect little crafter, and while she slept through the entire experience - Mummy had fun !
Came across your blog and just wanted to drop in to say how enjoyable your blog is to read.